Medical Video consultations

Advanced Therapeutics in
Digestive Endoscopy

Experts in digestive endoscopies.

Our medical team can assess your case as soon as possible.

Do not delay waiting.

Do you need a digestive doctor to value your status? Our experts in digestive medicine serve patients who are looking for a solution for their digestive problem through the videoconsultation system.

The purpose of a medical consultation per video call lies in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of digestive problems. We are experts in endoscopies of the third space, treating diseases such as esophagus cancer, stomach cancer, colon and straight polyps, …

How does the videoconsulta work?


1. Book an appointment

We call you to specify the date and time that best suits your schedules. We will ask you to prepare the information of your history to send it to us before the video car.


2. You make the payment

You make the payment that we will indicate on the phone to close the appointment of the videoconference.


3. Medical videoconsulta

A professional from our medical team will maintain a videoconference to know your case. He must have the reports on hand to facilitate and provide as much information as possible.

The middle of the videoconsulta will be by phone, tablet or computer.

receta médica

4. Report shipping

The personnel who have attended will send the medical report by email.


5. I want to start with the videoconsulta