Functional obstruction of the lower esophageal sphincter
What is functional lower esophageal sphincter obstruction?
It is a disease in which there is an abnormal and sustained contraction of the lower stomach sphincter.
What are the symptoms?
The main symptom is difficulty swallowing or dysphagia and chest pain. Other symptoms are the regurgitation of food to the mouth and in advanced stages, weight loss.
How is it diagnosed?
Diagnosis is made by high-resolution manometry.
It is essential to perform a quality upper digestive endoscopy (gastroscopy) and a radiological transit beforehand, in order to rule out other diseases that make it difficult for food to pass through.
If you are looking for a second opinion about your endoscopic treatment or have been offered a surgical solution, contact us.
How is it treated?
The most effective treatment is POEM or endoscopy myotomy. Through an upper digestive endoscopy, without the need for surgical incisions, the affected muscle is treated and we restore the natural passage of food.
In this disease, drugs, endoscopic dilation, endoscopic injection of botulinum toxin, and surgery (Heller myotomy) are much less effective or more aggressive.
The Endos Advanced team introduced POEM in our country, is especially dedicated to this technique and has extensive experience in treating complex patients who have not responded to other treatments.