Colon and rectal polyps.
Early colorectal cancer
What are colon and rectal polyps? Early colorectal cancer
Cancer is a proliferation of abnormal cells that invade the surrounding tissues and in advanced stages it spreads in the form of metastases to distant organs.
Polyps are the precursor forms of colon and rectal cancer.
There are various types of polyps, but early treatment prevents colorectal cancer.
What are the symptoms?
Polyps do not produce symptoms in early stages, except when they are large, which can cause alterations in the rhythm of bowel movements (diarrhea or constipation) and bleeding. In late stages they produce abdominal pain, fatigue, loss of weight or appetite, anemia or obvious bleeding.
How is it diagnosed?
It is essential to perform a quality colonoscopy to detect precursor forms (polyps) and cancer at a very early stage.
Fortunately, early detection programs for colorectal cancer save many lives. At EndosAdvanced you can adhere to our prevention programs ensuring high quality standards.
With state-of-the-art endoscopes that we have in our team, polyps and superficial cancer can be detected and treated. “We heal before the disease appears”.
If you are looking for a second opinion about your endoscopic treatment or have been offered a surgical solution, contact us.
How is it treated?
The treatments of choice are a set of techniques that allow polyps to be treated by removing them in different ways
Polypectomy and endoscopic mucosal resection are two techniques with which less complex polyps are treated using loops or loops. On many occasions, these procedures only allow the lesions to be resected in fragments.
At Endos Advanced we are committed to resecting the lesion completely and in one piece, by means of endoscopic submucosal dissection, of which we are pioneers in our country. In this way, more aggressive surgical interventions are avoided and recovery is very fast.